yuki translates

credits to Ren (sakuraba#0924) who kindly shared his translation format source code

Main Story - Book 7-60

Title: Lord of the Abyss - Accompany Advance!
Characters: Silver, Sebek, Lilia, MC/Yuu, Grim, Baul, Imperial Soldiers, Iron Ones, Small Fairies

Binge read Book 7 thanks to Scarabia fun times in Chapter 9 and I’m absolutely floored by how well the story has been going so far, especially with the Diasomnia trauma congaline in the first 100 parts, so I wanted to translate all the tiles dialogue for fun

Lord of the Abyss
(Tile map episodes)
7-60 ・ 7-67 ・ 7-73 ・ 7-81 ・ 7-83 ・ 7-88

Accompany Advance!

Click a tile to reveal the dialogue

Book 7-60 Tile Map

Dialogue Tile: 7-60-1

Land of Briar - Woods (Night)

Land of Briar - Woods

By the way… All of you have been mentioning these 'Iron Ones' and 'Silver Owls' for a while now. What exactly are they?
Imperial Soldier A
Krreeuuuh! Ghhreuh! Hrrrghuh! Keuerhh!
Hm…? My apologies, you must be explaining what they are to me, but I can't understand fae language…
He's saying that "Silver Owls" refers to a gang of ruffians who invaded various parts of the Land of Briar to carry out mining activities.
And… 'Since every member of the Silver Owls wears iron armour, we fae refer to them as the Iron Ones.'
Imperial Soldier B
Grrrargh! Grrrough! Grr-hrrraghh!
'They came from a foreign land and without seeking our permission, they proceeded to clear our forests, level our mountains, and deprive us of our resources.'

Really now, what is their deal!

Father told me about this before.
He'd said that a lot of valuable magical stones and ores could be extracted from the Thunderclap mountain range that surrounds Briar Valley in the past.
Imperial Soldier B
Grrrararrgh! Errrerrgh… Rhurgh.
'The mountains were stripped clean, and magical beasts which lost their abodes often descended on the settlements and wreaked havoc there as well.'
'Because of that bunch, immeasurable harm befell on the fae.'

What in the world?! How utterly insolent!

Imperial Soldier A
Kuhh! Helrrgh! Thurrerergh.
'The Imperial troops led by General Lilia are fighting hard to chase the Silver Owls away from this land, but…'
'At any rate, we have been struggling since there are lots of them.'
Grr… Unforgivable! Such interlopers have to be driven out right away!!
Man, you're so restless sulking and raging all on your own…
Though that aside, Sebek, you understand what those fae are saying?
While it's imperfect, I can get a rough understanding of them.
They seem to be using archaic fae language to speak.
Wait, those were words? I thought they were just animal calls the entire time!
While the language and method of enunciation differ between fae species, they are able to insert magic into their voice to facilitate a mutual understanding among themselves.
In present day, there are many who are able to speak using the common language, while the number of fae language speakers is limited even in Briar Valley. However…
The fae language is a worthy language with a long history, you see.
I learnt it from my grandfather and mother in the past.
I tried learning it from Father once too…but I couldn't even comprehend it as a language with my ears.
My father also said the same. In the first place, the hearing range of human ears is narrow even when compared to other animals.
But I have fae blood in my veins, you see. And that means I can hear even the gentle sounds that cannot reach your ears.

How's that! Isn't it amazing?!

If that's the case, then why's your voice so heckin' loud…

Battle Tile

Right General, a message from the scout, Grass, has arrived.
To tell us that there are Iron Ones ahead, right? The stench of iron and oil is already intoxicating from here.
There is no need for the Right General to even enter the fray. Allow me to clear the way.
That's fine too, but… Oi, you humans.
Might be a sudden ask, but how about you lot go and show us what Night Raven College mages are made of?


The Iron Ones are wandering ahead. Capture them on your own.
Don't let even a single one of them slip away. The ambush on their campsite will be ruined if so.
Grim, Sebek, and Silver



Iron One A
Wahh! What are these guys?!
Iron One B
Eeek! They're wizards1! Help me, please!
Fnagh! They're making a run for it!
Hold it, you rascals! How dare you turn your back on your enemies, you cowards!

*Bats flying*

Tch! I told you, don't let a single one of them escape!
Iron One A
Eeek! It's a fae! A fae ruffian is here!
Who exactly is the ruffian here? Shaaa!


…Hmph, pathetic small fry.
Fa-… I mean, Sir Vanrouge. We failed to accomplish our mission and ended up causing you trouble instead. For that, we apologise.
Hah! You lot were doing well up until you scattered them, but your finish was poor.
Right General. There are rations and fuel in their cart.
Which were originally ours. We'll take them back.
Banish the captured Iron Ones to the far side of Windcry Canyon2!
Imperial Soldiers


Healing Tile

Small Fairies
Ring ring ring… ♪
Fnagh! A ton of tiny fairies appeared!
Up ahead is… I see. Got it.
Small Fairy
Ri-ri-ring… ♪
Worry not, for we'll make haste and drive them away. Hide somewhere, all of you.
Small Fairies
Ring ding… ♪

*Sparkly blessing*

Our wounds are healing… Just what is this light?
It's the pixies' blessing.
Normally, they wouldn't even approach if they see any humans… They must really want those Silver Owls to driven off as quickly as possible.
We'll work hard to meet their expectations.
Alright, let's hurry on.

Battle Tile



Is something the matter, Right General?


Hahhh, Henrik that wretch. Is he dumping all the work only on us so that he alone can snore to high heaven back at the fort?
He's always kicking back snobbishly… It's unbearable.
Ah!! The Iron Ones…
They haven't noticed us. Wield the dark veil of the night and quickly chase them away.


Final Tile, Dialogue Tile: 7-60-2

Land of Briar - Campsite (Night)

Land of Briar - Campsite

Look, it's the Silver Owls' campsite.

*Camera pan*

It reeks of humans. …Seems like there's about 30 of them here.
Their garrison doesn't seem to have the Knight of Dawn among their ranks… Which means this will be a walk in the park.
A walk in the park?! You know, we don't even have 15 people with us here!
You fool! Master Lilia is here, straight from his renowned and unrivalled days in active service!

Defeat is impossible!

Shh…! Sebek, lower your voice.
Sebek, Yuu, Grim, I'd like you all to hear me out.
I'm sure you all understand this already, but this is different from the battle drills and duels held back in school.
…In the state we're in right now, we can't wake up from our slumber even if we get hurt.
A dream this may be, but we don't know what will happen if we sustain a serious injury.
Yuu and Grim, you two must absolutely not stray from my side. Sebek, you also…
Your concern is unwarranted. You're the one who shouldn't get cold feet.
…Sigh. I'm serious, don't overexert yourself.
Grrr… Those accursed Iron Ones. Setting up their tents as if they own this place… Unforgivable.
Kehehe, isn't that good? If they're that prepared, then we'll be able to get our beddings for tonight instantly.
Crush them all, relish in that campsite in its entirety.
All of you, attack! KSHAAAAAAA!!!
Imperial Soldiers

Grrarrrrgghhh! Hrrarrr-Grraargh!

You lot, don't go setting the tents on fire! Unless you want to sleep outdoors, that is!
Imperial Soldiers

Hrrearrrrgh-arrgh! Krarrrurrgh!

Iron One D

?! I-It's an enemy raid! An enemy raid!!!

Iron One E
It's the thieves who are vying for what we've mined! Garrison, deploy all troops for combat!
Thieves, you say?! We are imperial troops who pride ourselves in our duty of protecting the Land of Briar!
We will not tolerate the disorder you spread. Depart from this forest, each and every one of you!!



  1. For those who are unaware, generally mages/magicians/magic users/noun for magic user of your choice are referred to as 魔法士 (mahoushi), which is unique to twst as far as i know, it’s not exactly something you hear in japanese on the regular. This NPC instead calls the crew 魔法使い (mahoutsukai), which is the common japanese term for a magician. Just thought it would be interesting to know (Return to text)

  1. Assuming that this is the name of a place in Briar Valley/Land of Briar (Return to text)