yuki translates

credits to Ren (sakuraba#0924) who kindly shared his translation format source code

Lost in the Book with TNBC ~The First Halloween~ Event Story Episode 1-4

Hey can the aniplex person who decided to device this diabolical plan to make all the outfit close ups come all together in 1 unbroken, unskippable scene please fucking identify yourself? literally what the fuck. Do you know how much of a pain it is to review the dialogue over and over because i have to give up 2 minutes of my life each time I open up 1-4? Can you fucking hear me aniplex i am whispering into your ear can you please consider not doing this? if not now at least in whichever new event you do this in?

Title: Intersecting Nightmare! - I’ll Do the Roasting
Characters: Riddle, Trey, Leona, Azul, Jade, Jamil, Vil, Epel, Idia, Malleus, Sebek, Grim, MC/Yuu, Skully

Intersecting Nightmare! Prologue1-11-21-31-41-51-61-71-8 ・ 1-9 ・ 1-10 ・ 1-11 ・ 1-12 ・ 1-13

I’ll Do the Roasting


Where am I…?
Hello… Say… Can you hear me1, O fairest personage slumbering away in these arms.
Is the sound of my voice reaching you?
Whose voice is this…?
Please, wouldn't you care to open those eyes of yours for my sake…?
What in the world happened…?



*Looking around*

Ahh, what a relief. You've woken up.
How art thou feeling? …Ahh, you shouldn't get up too suddenly.
Allow me to extend a hand for support. Here you go.

Select one of the choices to reveal the next dialogue

Why, there isn't a need for such politesse. It was merely the most obvious course of action to take, most splendid personage.
Let's save our bonding for later, shall we? First things first, we need to verify our current predicament…yes?
Are the other fallen ones acquainted with you?

Uuughh… Where's this…?

Fnagh… Feeling bleary-eyed…
…Where are we?
Gasp! …Thank goodness, there's not a single scratch on myself.
Oof… My head's hurting. So woozy…
The sky appears to be rather gloomy right now… Has night fallen already? But I could've sworn it was still afternoon just a moment earlier…
We were in Foothill Town to… Huh? What were we doing then?
If my memory serves, Grim was opening an unusual book…
We were engulfed in a strange flash of light… But I cannot recall what exactly happened after that.
Wha-?! Why is yours truly here?
Ugh…! Young Master… ARE YOU ALRIGHT…?!
KALIM! …He's not here?


I'm gonna roast you whole and have you for lunch, you li'l…!
Allow me. I'll do the roasting.
I'll provide my assistance as well!

*10 billion years of everyone looking at each other and realising that they are wearing new clothes*

Jamil, Sebek, & Leona


Select one of the choices to reveal the next dialogue

You talking about yourself there?
Human, why are you donning such a peculiar suit full of patches… Wait, my clothes have also changed?!
Why are you so calm? Is this really the time to be casually dropping a review of all things?!
Just when exactly did every one of us have our clothes changed out…?!
By "every one of us" you mean… AH! My clothes were changed as well?!
What's up with y'all, why are you wearing such cool outfits all of a sudden… Hm?

S-Something fluttery's stuck around my neck too!

Scritch scratch…! I can't get it off! What this that got stuck to me?! Yuu, how do I look now?!

Select one of the choices to reveal the next dialogue

Gotcha… So same as always, right?!
What?! Doesn't that mean that yours truly has become even more charming?!
One, two, three… 12 whole herbivores from our end here. Looks like we conked out all at once, huh?
When did I of all people get looped in together with this jolly pack of cheer?!
Just as I thought you'd disappeared, you actually popped up again? Where were you?
I was rummaging through a pile of comics for the first edition copy of this classic manga that I like.
So you were in the manga corner right by us?
Which means that everyone here was indeed together in that moment when the book opened.

*Malleus, Sebek, Riddle glaring*

Who are you then?


  1. Translation is hard man lol. But anyways this is here because I have a lot of personal notes about how I am approaching Skully’s voice and it’s honestly not worth putting it up higher on the post because I ramble and also because it’s just a personal challenge. This will encroach on mild spoilers for later parts in Episode 1, so fair warning for anyone who wants to read this I guess?
    Skully says もし……ねえ、もし instead of the usual もしもし which I think most recognise as hello on the phone/calling out to someone. The belief of 一声呼び that youkai/supernatural beings cannot repeat something when addressing someone is at play here which is probably a big hint that he’s not a regular human. Since it only applies when he needs to call out or address someone like say in a hello, in pretty much the rest of his dialogue? This doesn’t even come into play (in a later part, he says ええ、ええ when trying to recall what he was up to before he ended up in the hinterlands) When thinking of how to translate this line where repetition is broken, it’s pretty impossible to do a 1 to 1 translation lol but I thought of maybe conveying this sense into his overall voice instead. So for this, I made sure he didn’t repeat alliterative words (hello, hey) consecutively. I also went back and edited one of the prologue lines to remove one alliterative line. I’m not powerful enough to erase alliteration entirely, but at the very least I’m making sure that no consecutive words share the same consonant.
    About Skully’s general voice, his Japanese dialogue is honestly a pain for me because he uses a both a ton of keigo (the humble kind iirc I can’t remember) most of the time along with some very very formal expressions and very eloquent vocabulary. I would say that it surpasses Jade’s level in the brief few chapters I have touched so far. Notably, he has a major moment where he breaks the keigo out of excitement to see Jack Skellington later in 1-9, and takes a moment to follow up with -degozaimasu iirc, so I’m personally feeling that he has a facade that he puts up around the rest here. Even before the possible supernatural aspect to his character was revealed I was already planning to translate his lines with archaic words peppered here and there, and I think I will continue with that moving forward lol.
    If you read all the way here, thank you? I hope this all made sense lol. The tldr is that Skully is a very polite boy and I enjoy translating his lines  (Return to text)