yuki translates

credits to Ren (sakuraba#0924) who kindly shared his translation format source code

Lost in the Book with TNBC ~The First Halloween~ Event Story Episode 1-5

yapping so hard in the notes section like

Title: Intersecting Nightmare! - A Kiss to Commemorate this Joyous Meeting
Characters: Riddle, Trey, Leona, Azul, Jade, Jamil, Vil, Epel, Idia, Malleus, Sebek, Grim, MC/Yuu, Skully

Intersecting Nightmare! Prologue1-11-21-31-41-51-61-71-8 ・ 1-9 ・ 1-10 ・ 1-11 ・ 1-12 ・ 1-13

A Kiss to Commemorate this Joyous Meeting



Who are you then?
'Tis an honour to make your acquaintance.
My name is Skully J. Graves.
Prithee, have a kiss to commemorate this joyous meeting between us all.


…Or perhaps, now is hardly the appropriate time for such an utterance?
Oh, so you do have a handle of what's going on after all.
You, suspicious character! I'm sure you're aware of what will happen to you if you so much as fidget in an unusual manner!
Never would I have believed that a binding spell would be cast upon me even before we began introducing ourselves.
Jamil and Sebek's response was certainly swift. To restrain him immediately upon grasping the situation at hand is truly remarkable.
An unfamiliar location along with unfamiliar attire. And to speak of the unknown child of Man…
It's suspicious no matter how it's spun.
You said you're Skully, right? If you value your life, then answer me truthfully.


No, impossible!
I was simply browsing through books at Foothill Town's secondhand book fair. Then, before I knew it, here I was, dressed in this attire.
The last thing I saw in town was… Err, hmm… It was a mysterious book, if mine recollection serves.
Foothill Town's secondhand book fair…and a mysterious book, you say? Am I right to say that in other words, you're in the same predicament as us?
Sure, but talk is cheap, as they say.
Under what circumstance did you all make your way here, pray tell? Are you residents of Foothill Town by any chance?
Umm… We're Nigh-

Stop right there!

You fool! Don't disclose identifying information to suspicious characters like that willy-nilly! How much more careless can you get?!
That exactly. During emergencies like these we have to withhold our own information as we interrogate the other…

Well, this is Lord Grim you're talking to!

Select one of the choices to reveal the next dialogue

Nice to meet you, Grim and Yuu.
Nice to meet you, Grim.
Jamil & Sebek


Not a shred of wariness to speak of…
It appears that everyone is treating me with much suspicion. Not an unreasonable sentiment, truly.
Anyhow, everyone seems to already be acquainted with each other. I seem to be the sole person who is alone…even over here.
I will not pry for any specifics. However, may I at the very least be granted the opportunity to learn your names?
Otherwise, I'm afraid I can hardly say that my greetings on this first meeting with your honourable persons are complete, nay?
Prithee, oh, prithee… I plead in all earnest.
Malleus, Jade, Azul, Trey, Riddle, & Idia
…I declare this an emergency. I would like an audience with all dorm leaders and vice-dorm leaders present!
Sure. Let's all go squeeze our brains dry.

*Everyone except 1st years leave*

Dorm leaders and vice-dorm leaders…?
…Wait, doesn't that just mean everyone apart from us first years?!
It's the kinda feeling where you're relieved, but also feel frustra-… Gasp!
H-He's still in restraints and he's looking over here…
He looks like he really, REALLY wants us to help him…
Grim, Sebek, & Epel
It's so awkward…!

Now then, how should we deal with that man?
What to do… I don't think we have anything that could definitely challenge what he said since our own memories are fuzzy too, do we?
N-No, no, no, no way, not a chance… There's no way we could trust someone THAT fishy?! He talks as if he's roleplaying!1
I doubt that's something I'd like to hear from the "l337 gamer who pwnz n00bs".
From what we've seen, he appears to be around our age, am I right? He has quite the gentlemanly demeanour, however…
He may be lying, or perhaps he is not.
I could go over and make a cordial "inquiry"… Or is it too soon?
You think so? Isn't it better to just cut the debate short and go straight to making him cough up the truth? I'm in favour of something like that. Gets the job done with minimal trouble.
You're truly a lot more vicious than your looks would suggest, Vil. I personally feel that it's too soon for us to resort to violence to interrogate him.
I mean… Whether that guy's got an ulterior motive or not, if push comes to shove we can easily take down a guy of that caliber.
Indeed. We do have the overwhelming advantage in our numbers.
To sum it up then… This should be fine, yeah?
Vil, Idia, Azul, Riddle, Jade, Jamil, & Trey


  1. I mean yeah this is about as untranslatable as it gets. Idia references Skully using wagahai 我輩 for himself. Azul’s line after this references the fact that Idia himself regularly uses sessha 拙者. I think it’s quite interesting to see that these 2 are actually quite similar (while also having a major difference that is who uses it)
    Sessha was used by samurai, warriors, or ninja. It used to have a nuance of humbling the self, but can have a pompous nuance to it. Also saw on the pixiv entry that it can be used occasionally by otaku/geeky characters. On the other hand wagahai has a pompous air to it generally, but doesn’t have the same use case as sessha. Both are dated first-person pronouns that aren’t widely (if ever) used now irl
    Anyways I just leaned into Idia calling out the speaking style instead while trying not to jump the gun on potential spoilers? (I think the prevailing theory now is that Skully is from an earlier time period. I personally believe this but I don’t want to mention explicitly mention it in case this theory is totally wrong. besides, it would suck if this ended up being a spoiler for the future parts. i still want people who read these to enjoy the whole story as they go) And then leaned into the otaku aspect by having Azul call out Idia for being cringe (Return to text)

  2. lol idk why on my first go at translating this i looked at こくり in the last line and was like oh yeah they totally gulped that makes sense and 6 hours later here i am wondering wtf past me was high on