yuki translates

credits to Ren (sakuraba#0924) who kindly shared his translation format source code

Lost in the Book with TNBC ~The First Halloween~ Event Story Episode 1-7

Title: Intersecting Nightmare! - It’s Game Over, Man!
Characters: Riddle, Trey, Leona, Azul, Jade, Jamil, Vil, Epel, Idia, Malleus, Sebek, Grim, Skully

Intersecting Nightmare! Prologue1-11-21-31-41-51-61-71-8 ・ 1-9 ・ 1-10 ・ 1-11 ・ 1-12 ・ 1-13

It’s Game Over, Man!



I have returned.
Welcome back, Young Master! I'm glad to see that you're safe.
How'd it go?
I checked the vicinity, but the forest extends as far as the eye can see.
...And searching based on what I'd sensed, it is as I'd feared, unfortunately. There was an area where mana ceases to be.
A place where mana...ceases?
Yes. A short distance away from here is a space that has been blocked off.
Over there, I found myself unable to use magic all of a sudden.
Vil, Jamil, Jade, Grim, Trey, & Azul

You couldn't use magic?!

Correct. It appears that we have landed in quite the unique location.
N-No way...!
Sir Malleus couldn't use magic even with all the power you had? What kind of OP barrier is shielding that place?! It's game over, man!
...So basically, none of us, not even lizard bastard, can leave this forest to call for help, yeah?
Well that's a shame. And here I was beginning to think that even you could be useful from time to time.
Would it kill this guy to not insult Lord Malleus at every little opportunity...?!

Lord Malleus! Please grant me your permission TO PERSONALLY PASS JUDGMENT ON THIS AUDACIOUS MAN!

Thanks for taking the time to show me your magical pen. All the rest of you got your pens too?
Yeah, mine was in my pocket.
It seems like any belongings we had were left intact even though our clothes were changed.
Magical pen?
You haven't heard of it? It's a tool that makes it easier for you to use magic.
Speaking of which, can Skully...
You can use magic, right? You've got a fair bit of mana smell on you. Think Epel's got roughly the same amount as you do.
Thou can make sense of such a thing?! What a sagacious fellow!
Indeed, what thou have said is correct. I'm a mage as well, though a petty one. I am currently attending school.
You're a student? How old are you now?
I am 16 years of age.
Oh, what? Aren't we the same age then?
This whole time I thought you were older than me since you're even taller than Sebek who's pretty big himself...
Both of you are in the same grade at school as me? Why, it feels as if we have already gotten closer, don't you agree?
Epel & Sebek


Hehe! Are you sure you're not mistaking him for being older because of his conduct rather than his height? He is a lot more elegant than either of you, after all.
But to hear of a writing instrument that is equipped with a magical stone! And the stone is distributed to each of you to boot!
That means that all of you are capable of casting spells under the same conditions regardless of the magical stone's quality, correct? 'Tis a fair and most wonderful consideration!
Is it different at your school?
Yes, very different...
...I sincerely apologise, but could we refrain from discussing the subject of school moving forward?
I am not very fond of that place, you see.
Everyone there, without exception, is an ignorant fool. 'Tis not worth even mentioning.
Since not one person among them is capable of understanding mine anguish...

He doesn't know about the magical pens owned by every Night Raven College student even though he's on Sage's Island...?

What exactly is Skully, really?


Six dorm heads plus you, the Scarabia vice-head.

None of us recognising him means that he's not a student at our school for sure.

Doesn't seem like he knows about Malleus either despite him sticking out like a sore thumb.
I did wonder if he's from Royal Sword Academy since we're talking mages schooling in Foothill Town, but...
If so, it just doesn't make sense why he wouldn't recognise a magical pen on sight.
...Wait, scratch that. It's not totally impossible when it comes to that happy-go-lucky school's airheads, is it?
It's certainly possible. They seem like the type who would say stuff like "Huh? That pretty pen has a magical stone attached to it~" out loud.
I'm already feeling sick just by imagining it...
Is he from Royal Sword Academy or some other school...
Since he himself appears reluctant to talk about school, it doesn't seem like we can narrow it down beyond this for now.
I understand very well that we cannot use magic to escape from this forest.
However, we can't possibly remain here and do nothing but wait for rescue, don't you agree?
You've got a point. Shall we start off by exploring our surroundings then?
Ohh, a stellar plan that is! Prithee, allow me to be your escort for your trip.

Escort?! For me?!

Why, absolutely. Your hand, please.
Escort, huh? You mean to say that you know the way around here?
Nay, 'tis unfortunate, but I too am unfamiliar with this place.
However... Don't you think wandering around a forest most bizarre, hand in hand, is too a magnificent experience to behold?
No we don't. That just means getting lost, doesn't it?
He's employing a ridiculously forceful method of getting closer to us...! His extroversion broke the whole personality chart itself!1
How frightfully gentlemanly Skully is... Well, I'm not about to let myself get outclassed either.
Your concern is over how much of a gentleman he is...?!


  1. The literal (very roughly put because i spent way too much time on this lol) wording is “he’s no longer within the range of personalities like extroverts!” and i kinda took a swing at it. not the best but I like the whole beyond bounds part of the line (Return to text)