Title: Interactions with Azul Tsum II
Node: Map 14-7
Characters: Azul, Floyd
Event Story Navigation
Map 1 The Tsums Invade! |
Episode 1 ・ Episode 2 ・ Episode 3 |
Maps 2-8 Interactions with Tsums I |
Episode 4 ・ Episode 5 ・ Episode 6 ・ Episode 7 ・ Episode 8 ・ Episode 9 ・ Episode 10 ・ Episode 11 |
Maps 9-15 Interactions with Tsums II |
Episode 12 ・ Episode 13 ・ Episode 14 ・ Episode 15 ・ Episode 16 ・ Episode 17 ・ Episode 18 |
Map 16 The Tsums Return! |
Episode 19 ・ Episode 20 |
Interactions with Azul Tsum II
Interior Hallway
Now Tsum, let's go. This is our next destination.
*Tsum react*
Still ready for more, aren't you? Carry on doing your best like that.
Sea Snakey's cooking was real good, wasn't it~ Where are we going and what are we doin' next?
You'll find out very soon. Now Tsum, we have arrived. After you.
*Happy Tsum*
…The classroom? You're making the Tsum take a test or somethin'?
Incorrect. This classroom is actually the one used by the Board Game Club for its club activities.
This time, the three of us - the Tsum, Floyd, and myself - will be playing the board game, Business Magic!…
And the purpose of this is to observe the Tsum's general judgment of things and its ambition towards earning Madol.
*Tsum zoom in*
…Are those stuff you find out through a board game?
Business Magic! is a type of management strategy game.1
The number you roll on the die determines the number of cards you draw. Then you open businesses, develop all sorts of products and variants, and advertise…
Furthermore, you can even list your company on the stock exchange and acquire other firms. Players compete based on their total assets at the end of the game by employing various strategies as they play.
*Tsum jump*
As expected of a Tsum resembling myself, you are a quick learner.
Acquisition of other firms being allowed means, in other words, that it is possible to buy up the companies of other players.
It is also possible for your company to fall into decline and collapse in the blink of an eye the moment you lose focus. Such is the severity of this game.
If the Tsum does hold the desire to gain Madol, I believe it will act accordingly to ensure that its total assets continuously increase.
So to sum up, you mean we're just gonna play like normal? Then let's hurry up and get to it.
Good to see that you're being proactive. Then, without delay…
Ah, right. Just got a great idea.
Since we'll be competing anyways, let's think of a penalty for the loser while we're at it.
Are you sure you want to bring that up? I'll have you know I'm an experienced player, mind you. Although, I'm not about to stop you if you wish to partake in the penalty yourself.
Not like I'm about ta lose either. But having to watch the Tsum do a penalty sounds pointless, though.
*Tsum reaction*
…What now, Tsum. That haughty look in your eyes… What, you trynna say you think you can beat me?
Pfft. This means none of us are going to hold back, I see. Then, let's fight it out to our heart's content.
*Tsum reaction*
Well you better brace yourself when you lose since you spouted so much big talk just now, you hear?
That's my line, thank you very much. …Bring it on!
*Happy Tsum*
Tsum's die's showing… A six! Ain'tcha amazing, your company's market capital exceeded 3 billion Madol already.
*Happy Tsum again*
And the Tsum rolled a six again. You're on a roll~ What didja get…
Says here that "Business is booming thanks to a fad! Capital increases by 200 million madol".
*Happy Tsum*
I see, I see.
Hey, isn't your reaction kinda weird? I was so sure that you'd get real frustrated here.
Ahh no, it's nothing. I was just thinking about how fun Business Magic! truly is.
Hmmm. Well, you better get your game up, Azul. 'Cause right now the Tsum and I are beating you out by a mile, yanno.
*Azuls looking at each other*
Huh, Azul and the Tsum are shooting some shifty glances between the two of 'em or somethin'.
Now that we've reached the midpoint of the game… I would like to establish a business partnership with another player.
*Tsum reaction*
Who'd partner with last-beyond-hope Azul of all people? It's definitely a no from me.
Now, I wonder about that… How does it sound to you, Tsum? Would you like to partner with me?
*Happy Tsum*
Hehe, I knew you would be delighted.
Hah? Why though?
That skill in rolling consecutive sixes, and its ability to grow its company smoothly without a hitch…
Witnessing those, I was certain. The Tsum not only resembled myself appearance wise, but on the inside as well.
Thus, as I eyed a partnership with the Tsum, I ignored profit-making for myself and devoted my efforts solely to opening up markets up till now.
…For the sake of allowing both of our companies to grow efficiently, you see.
What the, that's your approach to this?! …Things are finally heating up now!
Now, Tsum, let us join hands! It is time for us to expand our businesses together and absorb Floyd's company with one of ours!
*Happy Tsum*
Ahh… Finally reached the goal. The result is…
Last-beyond-hope for Floyd. How unfortunate. And to think that everything was going so well for you up to the middle of the game too.
No but, isn't it weird once you think real hard about it? Didn'tcha change your plans and start plotting to pummel me senseless from the midpoint of the game?
Preposterous. Even if I did intend to orchestrate your complete and total downfall, I would have made sure to buy you out instantly from the very beginning of the game.
Now with the Tsum… Though the margin is narrow, it is my victory regardless. My investment in advertising ended up tipping the scales in my favour.
*Tsum agony*
However, that was a worthy match still. Let's play another board game this time.
*Happy Tsum*
SIGGGHHHH, I'm beat. Also, ya still going at it? You totally changed your plans to play instead, didn'tcha?
You two started hitting it off at some point too… Like, it feels like there's two Azuls here now.
Tsum, why don't we go with this one next? It's a business simulation game that I play often…
*Happy Tsum*
- It’s called 経営戦略ゲーム which is apparently different from business simulation games (the next one Azul said he wanted to play) so I just went with management strategy which seems to be used for it. (Return to text)