yuki translates

credits to Ren (sakuraba#0924) who kindly shared his translation format source code

Welcome to Tsumsted Wonderland! Part 2 - Episode 19

Title: The Tsums Return! I
Node: Map 16-6
Characters: Deuce, Azul, Jade, Kalim, Rook, Ortho, Lilia, Crowley

How nice of twst to equally distribute everyone’s lines.

Event Story Navigation

Map 1
The Tsums Invade!
Episode 1Episode 2Episode 3
Maps 2-8
Interactions with Tsums I
Episode 4Episode 5Episode 6Episode 7Episode 8Episode 9Episode 10Episode 11
Maps 9-15
Interactions with Tsums II
Episode 12Episode 13Episode 14Episode 15Episode 16Episode 17Episode 18
Map 16
The Tsums Return!
Episode 19Episode 20

The Tsums Return! I

Ramshackle Dorm (Night)

Ramshackle Dorm

There truly is a hole in the sky... It's exactly as the headmaster described.
So that's how the Tsums will go home? Man, I sure am gonna miss you.
I empathise with you deeply, Roi d'Or, for the time we've spent with them has been nothing short of splendid.
Indeed, spending time with my Tsum has lead to many an unexpected occurrence which made it all the more spectacular.
It's such a shame. I really wanted to study the Tsum's behaviour further.
Wait, wha-? Everyone seems so reluctant to part ways. Was I the only one who had it rough with Tsum care...?
Kehehe, I too had my share of fun, but judging from your looks, it seems like you were put through a mighty fine wringer on your end, Deuce.
Good evening, one and all. I believe everyone who needs to be here is here. How very admirable of all of you to be so punctual.
Well then. It is time we returned the Tsums back to where they belong.
Everyone! Please share a final word or two with your Tsums so that you may part ways with no regrets.
Tsum... So you're really going home.
I really, really, REAAAAALLLY had tons of fun spending time with you!
*Whimper* I feel like crying thinking about how you're gonna leave for real now. But I gotta send you off with a smile.
Tsum, thanks for dropping by! I'm real glad that I could meet you, so stay cheerful forever and always!

*Happy Kalim Tsum*

Farewells are lonesome, but I dislike being all doom and gloom. I will keep this joyful to the very end.
O little Tsum, your skill at spreading frights was quite fine. It was thanks to you that I could enjoy a day filled with cheer. Stay hearty!

*Happy Lilia Tsum*

While you did put me through quite a bit of trouble, I was able to empathise with your keen eye towards plants.
Please, do stop by to play once again if you'd like, alright? Because then I will show you other plants that are grown here.

*Happy Jade Tsum*

Ahh... How I wish I could show you more of what beautiful things this school has to offer, but alas! Time passes in a mere blink of an eye.
Yet that is precisely why I will keep each and every one of those beautiful moments I could share with you engraved within my chest. Thank you for spending time with me!

*Happy Rook Tsum*

Ah! Hey, Tsum! Stop running around my legs! Seriously, are you really gonna stay rampaging to the end...?
It's good that you're lively, but I really think you gotta do something about your quick temper. So that you don't make the people around you sad, you know!

*Happy Deuce Tsum*

Hey, why don't you just stay and let me observe you for a little longer? ...Aw, no go? That's such a shame.
But it really was fun getting to play with you and Big Brother today. Make sure to store that memory of us flying together so that you don't forget it, alright!

*Happy Ortho Tsum*

And here I thought we could become friendly rivals in business. It is a terrible shame that it's already time for you to leave.
Well, if it tickles your fancy, however, feel free to pay me a visit anytime. When you do, we can perhaps play board games once more.
Ah, if you are able to stop by, it would be a pleasure if I could receive a souvenir of some form from you.
I am curious to know what your homeworld has, you see.

*Happy Azul Tsum*

Everyone~! Have you finished saying your farewells? It is now time to send the Tsums back to where they came from.
Let's create one final memory together here, then. We are all ready, yes?
Yeah! We're all gonna send the Tsums off with loads of fun and cheer!