yuki translates

credits to Ren (sakuraba#0924) who kindly shared his translation format source code

Welcome to Tsumsted Wonderland! Part 2 - Episode 9

Title: Interactions with Azul Tsum I
Node: Map 7-6
Characters: Azul, Jade, Floyd

Event Story Navigation

Map 1
The Tsums Invade!
Episode 1Episode 2Episode 3
Maps 2-8
Interactions with Tsums I
Episode 4Episode 5Episode 6Episode 7Episode 8Episode 9Episode 10Episode 11
Maps 9-15
Interactions with Tsums II
Episode 12Episode 13Episode 14Episode 15Episode 16Episode 17Episode 18
Map 16
The Tsums Return!
Episode 19Episode 20

Interactions with Azul Tsum I

Mister S's Mystery Shop (Night)

ーWhen the Tsums Invaded…

Jade, please instruct Floyd to check on the dorm's condition and to prepare a status report.
Normal days aside… I believe he should be able to do the bare minimum of checking on the dorm when something unusual occurs.
Understood, I shall contact Floyd right away. Hehe, I am now brimming with excitement for some reason.
…You sure are having your fun, aren't you, Jade. Sigh…I have a bad feeling about this.

Woods Behind Campus (Night)

Woods Behind Campus

It seems we have just a little bit more to go before we arrive at the supposed landing site of the objects that fell out of that hole.
Let's advance with caution. We don't know what awaits us on the other end, after all.
The surroundings are rather quiet. The woods appear the same as they used to, and there are no landing marks or the like either…
Have we strayed off path on our way to our destination by any chance? Let's search for a little while longer.
Don't let your guard down just yet. Stay alert and pay attention to your surroundings at all times as you…


…! Jade, get ready. Something seems to be lurking in that bush.
Now that you mentioned it, I can indeed hear something. Is it a small animal…perhaps…?

Jade and Azul Tsum

This… Could this be a Tsum? The one that Floyd took care of the last time…
A Tsum resembling Floyd appeared again this… No, is this a Tsum resembling Jade instead?
Azul, there was another Tsum in the back earlier. It ran away immediately, however…
I have a feeling that it resembled you, somehow.
Jade, make your return first and report to the headmaster. I'll try to search this area for a tad bit longer.


Kitchen (Day)


…And thus, it resulted in the discovery of not only Jade's Tsum, but this one which resembles me as well.
Huhhh~ By the way, Azul. Ya managed to tell if it looked like me or Jade real well, didn'tcha.
What do you mean by that?
I mean, even if that Tsum really was a Jade lookalike, it woulda looked exactly like the one I had at first glance, right?
Ahh… So that's what it's about?
When conducting business, a misstep as simple as being unable to grasp one's unique characteristics is all it takes to lead to tremendous losses.
Distinguishing between entities like this is nothing worthy of note.
Hmm~ Eh, I'll let'cha slide with that one.
Anyways, couldja get to the part where you explain why you called me here already?
I was thinking of going back to sleep and yet…
I had to get to school butt early in the morning and end up all the way in the cafeteria's kitchen on top of that? It's sooo heckin' tiring y'know.
Right. I suppose now is a good time to reveal my goals since there's no other students here.
…Starting right now, I'm conducting an induction training which doubles up as a test for the Tsum!
Hah? Meaning?
I along with it… The Tsum, that is, have already entered a contract which entails that the Tsum will work for the Mostro Lounge.
…Don't tell me, you're making it work the kitchen?
No, I'm putting the Tsum in charge of the hall.
Squandering this opportunity to work with the Tsum by assigning it to the kitchen where customers can't see it makes it meaningless.
Fundamentally, there is no issue as long as it can appear adorable to customers…
However, there is a definite difference in how the Tsum's target customer will take to it based on how well it can perform its finishing touches.
Applying ketchup, sprinkling salt, sticking the mini food flag in… Regardless, it encompasses any and all kinds of actions no matter how minor.
The Tsum will assist with food prep of that variety from now and I will assess its aptitude accordingly.

*Happy Tsum*

Hehe, you're looking quite enthusiastic. Give this your best shot by all means.
I have prepared the ingredients as well, so I would like you to handle the cooking, Floyd.


So that huge bag had ingredients inside it… But hold up, I'm gonna be the one who cooks? What a pain~
Couldn't you just get a random Mostro Lounge kitchen staff and call it a day?
The business venture between me and my Tsum is still in its verification stage, so I do not wish for too many parties to be involved at this point.
That's also the reason why I chose for us to work in the cafeteria's kitchen. In addition…
You're the ideal candidate for this since you have experience with handling Tsums from the last encounter, Floyd.
I understand it might be tough to collaborate with the Tsum, but I'll be counting on you.
…Eh, fine then. Sounds like fun anyways, since it feels like the Tsum and I could cook up something weird together.
Now, show me what you've got… Tsum!

*Happy Tsumming*