yuki translates

credits to Ren (sakuraba#0924) who kindly shared his translation format source code

Scalding Sands' Al'āb Nārīya Event Story Episode 2-10

Title: Burning Welcome! - Yasmina Silk
Characters: Cater, Trey, Kalim, Jamil, Malleus

Event Story Navigation

Episode 1 1-11-21-31-41-5
Episode 2 2-12-22-32-42-52-62-72-82-92-102-112-12
Episode 3 3-13-23-33-43-53-63-73-83-93-103-11
Episode 4 4-14-24-34-44-54-64-74-8
Episode 5 5-15-2

Yasmina Silk

Kalim's House (Day)

Scalding Sands - Kalim’s House

Are these outfits embroidered with fireworks all over because they’re worn specially for the fireworks festival?
Yes. The Asim family creates new sets of costumes every year for the festival.
We get outfits made for everyone working for us too…
And then, alllll of us can enjoy the Yasmina River Fireworks Festival together!
I didn’t expect this to be cooling since the sleeve and hem are so long.
You feel less heat from using fabric to shield your skin since the sunlight is very strong here.
Furthermore, these clothes should have a cooling effect because they are made of fabric with fine breathability.
That’s certainly the case. I’m thankful for this bandanna for protecting my head in particular from direct sunlight.
Though, for Cater and Malleus, it must’ve taken lots of time to do up your hair, right?
Mine was a breeze since it’s short.
That wasn’t the case y’know~ The attendants helped us with everything!
In addition, they spent no more time accommodating my horns by leaving openings for them while tying my hair.
These bells around our waists are also pretty hip! They jingle with each step you take!
The ringing of bells is said to ward off evil since the fireworks festival also has a religious aspect to it.
Speaking of which, I’ve been wondering for a while, but…
Why is Jamil’s outfit different from the rest of us? It’s so flashy.
That’s because the Asim family is the main organiser for the festival this year…
It seems that as Kalim’s attendant, I’m also required to be dressed glamorously.
I’m also a little taken aback myself since this is the first time I’ve had an outfit with so many ornaments prepared for me.
…I much prefer casual wear to such formal wear.
C’mon, don’t say that~ This is also a pretty important arrangement, don’t you think so?
Yeah, I know.
The loincloth1 and its fire pattern definitely looks like something you’d wear.
And the cape you have on is so stylish~! What’s the lantern at your waist for?
It is a lantern that can be lit using magic.
The main event of the fireworks festival happens at night…
Which is why I carry this. It enables me to attend to our dear guests even if an accident were to occur later.
On top of being stylish, this bandanna also feels quite good. Should I buy it so I can wear it regularly after we get back?
If it’s a piece of cloth in this design in particular…one should cost hundreds of thousands of Madols.
Th-That much!?
This cloth is called Yasmina Silk, and it is a textile unique to Silk City.
The artisans spent considerable amounts of time weaving the cloth used for everyone’s costumes by hand, so it is among the best of its variety.
They were prepared based on the Asim family’s age-old aspiration to never loan subpar items to their dear guests.
If you like it, then feel free to take as many as you want with you, Trey! Would 50 pieces or so do?
No thanks… I think I’ll give that a hard pass. I feel more comfortable wearing my usual hats.
Would you be alright with browsing the city’s wares, then? You can find reasonably priced goods there.
I see, then I’ll find something that fits my build there.
Really felt like a king earlier since I was being assisted by not one, but several attendants just to get changed ~♪
Yeah, it was certainly a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
…If Lilia were here, he would have been so delighted. It is a shame that he couldn’t join us for today.
Ah! Why don’t we send him a pic, then?
I think Lilsy would be happy too if he saw a pic of Malleus having fun…
Plus, doing so makes you feel like you’re on a vacation, right?
A photograph… I am not entirely familiar with taking one, however.
It is also for the sake of making Lilsy’s day while he’s suffering from a stomach ache as we speak.
Hmm… Then, let’s have one taken. I must have a record of this journey for Lilia’s sake as well.
That’s the spirit!
Plus, if it’s gonna be shown to Lilia, a group photo with yaboi Cater and the gang would be better, don’tcha think so?
And everyone already took the time out to get dressed for the occasion!
I’ll take the photo, so get in line over there, okay~ Trey, Jamil, Yuu! All of you too!


…Man, now I also wanna be with all of you in the photo! Wait here, I’m gonna find someone to snap a photo for us!


  1. This is an open plea for anyone, clothes connoisseur or not, who knows what on earth a “cloth that cover the front of one’s nether regions, but is not explicitly underwear because the wearer already has PG 13 tights on” is called to please correct me if necessary on this. Because I literally. Have no other idea. And the fact that Trey has to point this out is quite blursed. (Return to text)