Title: Burning Welcome! - Unimaginable Scale
Characters: Cater, Trey, Kalim, Jamil, MC/Yuu, Grim
Event Story Navigation
Episode 1 | 1-1 ・ 1-2 ・ 1-3 ・ 1-4 ・ 1-5 |
Episode 2 | 2-1 ・ 2-2 ・ 2-3 ・ 2-4 ・ 2-5 ・ 2-6 ・ 2-7 ・ 2-8 ・ 2-9 ・ 2-10 ・ 2-11 ・ 2-12 |
Episode 3 | 3-1 ・ 3-2 ・ 3-3 ・ 3-4 ・ 3-5 ・ 3-6 ・ 3-7 ・ 3-8 ・ 3-9 ・ 3-10 ・ 3-11 |
Episode 4 | 4-1 ・ 4-2 ・ 4-3 ・ 4-4 ・ 4-5 ・ 4-6 ・ 4-7 ・ 4-8 |
Episode 5 | 5-1 ・ 5-2 |
Unimaginable Scale
Scalding Sands - Silk City
It’s good that we can sightsee in the city while inside a car like this. Being able to see all sorts of things while moving is so fun in itself ♪
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There’s also lots of tourists here. Seeing my hometown get so hyped up makes me feel happy too.
Right?! Whenever I come back, the atmosphere also gets me going, so I end up feeling hyped myself!
The streets are packed because the locals often go out during the morning or evenings when the sunlight is less intense.
The temperature will increase steadily from this point onward.
The number of people out in the streets will also decrease accordingly. Then, it will be easier to walk around.
Oof… It’s still going to get hotter…?
Within the Scalding Sands, Silk City is actually relatively cool because there are sprinklers placed along the streets.
The bazaars and shops also have canopies which allow us to walk around under the shade.
Still, we’ll need to think of a way to keep cool in this heat. We’ll definitely suffer if we were to go out in our current getup.
You don’t have to worry about that either!! We’ve got everything prepared and ready to go!
What do you mean by that, Kalim?
Let’s keep it as a surprise for later!
Four lane roads for traffic in each direction? The transport infrastructure here seems quite well-developed.
The car ownership rate in the Scalding Sands is quite high.
After all, no matter how resilient one may be to the heat, there is a limit to how much they can walk.
Thanks to that, there are also many drive-through shops here which let you complete your shopping without even stepping out of your car.
All the colours on the cars and magical wheels are so bright, they’re hurting my eyes!
That’s because those who want to show off their individuality do so through their vehicle customisations.
Look, it’s a rainbow sports car! There’s also a golden luxury car! I better take loads of pics ♪
There are also many who are particular about the numbers on their license plates.
Smaller or repeated numbers are popular because they are eye-catching.
Thus, license plates with such numbers are sold for high amounts in auctions hosted by the road and transportation bureau.
Really~? What kind of numbers are on Kalim’s family car then?
Lemme think… Ma and Pa both have lots of cars though…
…As one might expect.
There should be license plate numbers matching each of my many siblings’ birthdays.
Of course, there’s also the number 625 for my own!
…What doting parents they are~
On an unimaginable scale at that…