yuki translates

credits to Ren (sakuraba#0924) who kindly shared his translation format source code

Harveston's Kelkkarotu Episode 2-4

Title: Welcome Apple! - Feels Like One Big Family
Characters: Jade, Epel, Idia, Sebek, Grim

JP Proofreader: okaykei
EN Proofreader: Jewishruggie

Event Story Navigation

Episode 1 1-11-21-31-4
Episode 2 2-12-22-32-42-52-6
Episode 3 3-13-23-33-43-53-63-73-83-93-103-11
Episode 4 4-14-24-34-44-54-64-74-84-9
Episode 5 5-15-25-35-45-55-65-75-85-95-10

Feels Like One Big Family

Harveston Epel's Home (Day)

Harveston - Epel's Home

Everyone, welcome to my house.
What a cosy home it is.
Your roof has quite the steep incline to it.
It's to prevent too much snow from piling up. If it gets too heavy, the roof can collapse.
Is your home made of timber?
Yes, and there is stucco applied to the walls as a finish.
It's a kind of plaster made with lime.
We've built our buildings with stucco for a long time because of how easy it is to get good quality lime from Mount Moln.
The limestone here is said to have a purifying effect on the air and water.
Stucco made solely with natural limestone is even said to have strong deodorizing and anti-mold properties.
That is why the houses in Harveston are known as "homes that breathe".
…Or at least, that's what the old folks around the village tell me.
So like, are we gonna be staying here then?
Nope, you'll all be staying in the village assembly hall. Accommodating five more people would be tough for our house.
It's so small that it's already too crammed with just my family living here.
Is that so? It appears to be large enough for a family to live in to me.
That's because mine is a little bigger than the average household, so…
Right now, there's eight people living in this house.
That's truly a large family you've got. I didn't know you had siblings.
Ahaha, I knew you'd think that. But I don't have any siblings, actually.
My dad, mom, grandpa, grandma…
Plus my uncle, aunt, their son, and also my great-grandma are living here.
It certainly would get cramped if that many people stayed under one roof.
It is indeed out of the question for us to stay over and add more to your plate.
Are similarly sized families common in this area?
Our family should be the only one that's so large…maybe?
But I don't think it's uncommon for people to share a roof with their extended family in bigger households here.
Many families here hold the firm belief that farmland should continue to be watched over by the same bloodline from generation to generation.
It's also a given for us to lend each other a helping hand during the hectic season since farmers make up pretty much our whole neighbourhood.
That's why everyone in the village feels like one big family.
The villagers have doted upon me like I'm their own kid.
Now I feel like knowing more about all of your families, too. If you don't mind, could you please tell me about them?
A-Apart from Ortho, I don't have any other siblings.
As for me…I now live in a five-member household consisting of my grandmother, parents, Floyd, and myself.
That's an awfully concerning way to put it…
What about you, Sebek? What's your family like?
I live with my father, mother, older brother and older sister.
We live comfortably by a river. Our home isn't cramped or anything like that.
Although my grandfather does live close by…


I-It's freezing…
I'm sorry, Sebek! It's been chilly for you, hasn't it! Get into the house quick!
We've got the perfect traditional outfits lined up for you all to wear while you're here in Harveston.
My family should be out either in the fields or prepping for the festival right now, so you don't need to worry about getting walked in on while you're changing!

Okay! With this, you're done, Jade. Please wait outside in the meantime.
I understand. Thank you for your assistance with changing into these clothes, Epel.
So this is the traditional attire of Harveston. Quite adorable, if I do say so myself.

Jade Apple Boa reveal

A long-sleeved knit tunic, along with padded trousers.
Its warmth certainly penetrates one's heart and soul deeply.

Sebek Apple Boa reveal

Yeah! And the sizes are also perfect!
This cap feels good, as well. The earmuffs have fur on them that make them feel all toasty.
Now, the cold will never bother me ever again!
This garb suits you splendidly, Sebek.
While I'm not used to such clothing, it doesn't feel bad either.
You now give off a very different impression from your usual sleek and mature getup, Jade.
Hehehe, they fit me quite well, don't they?


if you felt the let it go reference, thats because i slam dunked it in for becky