yuki translates

credits to Ren (sakuraba#0924) who kindly shared his translation format source code

Harveston's Kelkkarotu Episode 4-6

Title: United Emotions! - Goosebumps All Over
Characters: Jade, Epel, Idia, Sebek, Grim, MC/Yuu, Marja

JP Proofreader: okaykei

Event Story Navigation

Episode 1 1-11-21-31-4
Episode 2 2-12-22-32-42-52-6
Episode 3 3-13-23-33-43-53-63-73-83-93-103-11
Episode 4 4-14-24-34-44-54-64-74-84-9
Episode 5 5-15-25-35-45-55-65-75-85-95-10

Goosebumps All Over

Harveston Assembly Room (Night)

Harveston - Assembly Room

Now boys, do have a bite of this to keep yourself extra warm, alright. It's fish and veggies simmered in a large cauldron.
It's boiling over there in the fireplace, you see. We specially set it up a bit earlier so that it will be ready just in time for tonight.
How charming it is to use a fireplace to cook.
Yeah. We do have air conditioning and stoves, of course. But there are many families here that use a fireplace together with those two as well.
Are the fireplaces here managed by fairies, too?
Fairies? …Ohh, you mean like back at school, right? Here, we use firewood for it.
It's difficult to leave fairies in charge of the fire in rural areas with small populations like ours.
Plus, wood is abundant here, so gathering firewood is no problem anyway. We can also dispose the trimmed branches from pruning in the orchards that way.
Do you use the fireplace instead of a cooking range when preparing food?
The fireplace is already being used consistently during winter, so we often make use of that fire to make stews.
Gas was scarce in the past, so these habits are a product of that time.
The heat goes through the ingredients thoroughly, so they soak up the broth and become real soft too. It's super delicious that way!
Enjoy it while it's fresh from the pot, dearies.
Chew, chew… This is splendid!
The umami of the vegetables and fish are a pleasantly harmonious addition to the soup.
You can savour each of the ingredients' true flavours since salt and pepper are the only seasonings used in the dish.
To think you'd make such wonderful food as well! Looks like you're a cut above the other humans, Marja!
You are truly candid to the very core, Sebek.
Seconds, anyone? Make sure to eat to your hearts' delight, because I made plenty to go around.
Thank you very much, I will happily oblige.
Chomp chomp… Eating really gets me warmed up.
Munch! Munch! Man, I could spend all day drinking such a delish soup!
I want seconds!
May I have another serving as well, please?
Me too!
Giving it out one by one is troublesome, so just get the whole pot over here!
Hehehe! You boys are chowing down oh so heartily that it feels pleasant to watch you lovely dears in action. It truly feels like my effort had paid off.
…Wait, where's Idia?
Oh, Idia's just been hiding in the corner the entire time.
What?! What's wrong, Idia? Are you feeling unwell by any chance?
Yeah… I've been having goosebumps all over for a while now.
If it's that cold, then hurry to the fireplace! There's also warm food over there.
nonono, that's not it! it's cus i'm freaking out over this surprise party!
sitting round the same dining table with strangers i've never even met before… just imagining it fills me with nothing but sheer pain!
i'm not that interested in the food either, and chatting with people is a huge pain. pointless ttm. totally impossible.
You got goosebumps in rejection of the situation you're in…?
yours truly was never destined to stay in such bright places. not today, not tomorrow, not ever…
pay this humble nobody no mind. pls, go ahead and indulge in as much shenanigans as you like with the rest, sir epel
Th-That's such an irritating way to put it.
But tomorrow will be physically taxing. If you don't eat anything now, your body might not be able to handle that strain.
Yuu, could you do me a favour bring some food over to Idia?

*Yuu nods*

Select one of the choices to reveal the next dialogue

What… Aren't fruit soups supposed to be cold?
While it's true that they are normally served chilled, around these parts, we also serve it warm.
Slurp slurp slurp slurp slurp-
Ohh… It truly is warm. Plus there's dried fruits in it.
Slurp slurp slurp slurp slurp-
Mm, it's nice and warm.
It felt like I was eating rather than drinking since it's incredibly thick.
Man, soup is great when you think about it logically. You can consume it without having to cut it up, mix it with other stuff, or chew it. Easier than pie!
I seek efficient means of getting my energy so that I can end these bothersome mealtimes quicker.
I don't care how it tastes, but food that's fresh from the oven is something I'm thankful for, at least, since it was so cold out.
Lowered body temperatures hinder rational thought, after all.
Idia really stays true to himself no matter where he is, huh…1
Munch munch… All the food here has been nothing but delicious. I need more serving plates if I want to have a taste of everything.
There is one set of dinnerware on the table that has yet to be used. Please, help yourself to it…
Ah! I'm sorry, but no one's allowed to used that plate there.
Hm? Is it a super luxurious set of tableware, perhaps?
Nope, that plate is a totally normal one…
But leaving unused dinnerware on the dining table is a custom that's passed down here in Harveston as a sign of good fortune.2
Once upon a time, a traveller who spotted the untidy dining table in a certain house whipped up a feast for the family living in it…
That legend became the basis for the belief that you will always get to eat your fill if you keep a plate on your table at all times.
So please leave that plate alone.
Got it. I'll find something else to scoop food into and eat from, then.
Allow me to scoop your servings for you. I had just thought of retrieving my own servings of food myself.
Get mine for me too!
Man, the three of you really do eat a lot.
I'm really happy that everyone could enjoy Harveston's local specialties!


  1. Idia continues monologuing while Epel talks here lmao (Return to text)

  1. Just some personal rambling, but this custom reminds me of the Chinese custom of leaving some food unfinished (to show the host that the food was good), or the auspicious saying 年年有余 (nian nian you yu) which means you will have plenty of wealth/fortune for the years to come. Usually for the Lunar New Year, a fish dish would be prepared and then we ensure there’s some fish left over after everyone’s done eating. It’s quite a wasteful custom, if I do say so myself, since you’re preparing excessive amounts of food only for them to be leftovers, but reading this story reminded me of that. (Return to text)